The Self-Publishing Toolbox Launch

7/15/2015 12:11:00 pm

After a few months of work, I'm excited to announce that I've officially launched the website for my Major Project: The Self-Publishing Toolbox. YAY!

Self-Publishing Toolbox logo

I am so happy that it's finally live and out in the world. After months of writing copy, decyphering HTML, CSS, and PHP coding, crying, groaning, eating chocolate, and becoming permanent fused to my couch, it has finally happened! I still have a lot of content to write and add so stay tuned and sign up for the mailing list for weekly emails with all the new tools added to the site.

I hope it becomes a valuable resource for anyone looking to pursue self-publishing, or even those who have been self-publishing for years! I can tell you from experience that I find new tools and programs to help make self-publishing easier and more successful every day. The possibilities are endless and I can't wait to keep adding content to the site for you to enjoy.

Let me know what you think and what you think I should add. I have a huge queue of products and websites to review but I'm still missing plenty from my list so all suggestions are welcome!

Thanks so much for your support!


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The Self-Publishing Toolbox